
måndag 14 september 2015

Noterat: Pantone Spring 2016 Fashion Color Report

Liksom höstens palett (som du kan läsa om här) så är kommande vår- och sommarsäsongs trendpalett unisex. Nyckelord för färgerna är avslappning, glädje och lekfullhet. "For Spring 2016 there are truly no perceivable distinctions in color choices between the men’s and women’s collections, both of which focus on a desire to breathe and reflect, then play", skriver Pantone. "Colors this season transport us to a happier, sunnier place where we feel free to express a wittier version of our real selves."

Paletten beskrivs som inspirerad av vår önskan att lägga teknologin åt sidan och varva ned. Där finns en kontrast mellan urban design och frodig grönska, som representerar den värld vi lever i, med en kombination av den skapade och de naturliga. En palett som först vill få oss av slappna av och sedan leka, från eftersinning till eskapism:
Influenced by the world of art, new global doors opening and the desire to disconnect from technology and unwind, designers this season have gravitated toward a palette that is first and foremost calming. Paying homage to the beauty of natural resources, colors emerging in the Spring collections serve as vehicles that transport wearers to more tranquil, mindful environs which encourage relaxation first, followed by curiosity and exploration.  
Designers were also inspired by the contrast of urban design and lush vegetation, leading to unexpected color combinations and collections reminiscent of architecture, travel and nostalgia. By creating looks that truly represent the world we live in, both constructed and organic, designers sought to awaken a sense of reflection, followed by playful escapism. Artists, many of whom are known for bold color usage and strong shapes and lines, played an influential role in this season's styles – from Matisse, Picasso and Frank Stella to Esther Stewart and Sam Falls. With Cuba and other destinations south of the border top of mind, designers are playing with courageous color statements that aren't afraid to be vibrant but at the same time are combined with quieting, classic and more natural tones.

Hela rapporten kan du läsa på Pantones hemsida.

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